Making UX Simple

To make it easier but not to be easier: make it easier for the ultimate consumer, simplifying the production and distribution of goods or services for the end user, does not mean easier for the company.

2B UP is working along with you to simplify the User eXperience, understanding what the end user lives and searching solutions to improve their experience rather than accepting business as usual. Here are two examples :


  1. A process example:

In the early 1980’s, one could pay the highway tolls by credit card . What changed? No, pin code was necessary. The new security system used another process of security to manage possible fraud to take into account the UX. It was the same company differently. It dealt with the new way of doing business on the highway. It found a way for the consumer to pay by credit card on the highway in full confidence. Payment was simplified for the end user.


  1. A legal example?

As of 1985, a rural bank went out to conquer Paris. 12 years later, one could not get around it. The opening of its agencies on Saturday made the difference by taking into account the Ux. The rural bank simplified the life of its clients. They could now get to the bank on Saturday. (It took the other major banks on the marketplace another 10 years to react.).


These examples demonstrate that change is disruptive at its origin. We experience change (disruption) throughout our life. Change (disruption) is not new. What is new is the speed of change, the speed at which change takes place. It’s at breakneck speed. This speed requires us to do business differently to react more quickly to meet Ux.